ON SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 Dancers Give Back Dallas donateD $40,000 to Micaela's Army Foundation from our January event. In total the foundation was able to make a donation of $60,000 to help the following 3 programs.
- Dr. Samuel Johns, UT Southwestern Medical Center, supporting research program: Targeting LILRB4 by Car-T Cells for treatment of AML Leukemia, $24,000.00
- Dr. Naomi Winick, UT Southwestern Medical Center, supporting research program: Brain Injury in Childhood Pediatric Cancer Patients, $24,000.00.
- Dr. James Amatruda, UT Southwestern Medical Center, donating research lab freezer, $12,000.00.
In july of 2020, Dancers give back dallas donated a check to Micaela's army foundation in the amount of $33,940.  Since then Micaela's army foundation has folded and in 2022 an endowment fund was created in honor of micaela with children's medical foundation under the same mission statement.  
ON SEPTEMBER 25, 2015, DANCERS GIVE BACK DONATED A CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000 TO MICAELA'S ARMY, WHICH WAS THEN DONATED TO Dr. Kenneth Chen's project. Dr. Kenneth Chen is an Assistant Instructor, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas Texas. Dr.Chen's project is Replacement therapy for miRNA-impaired Wilms tumors. Wilms tumors is the most common pediatric kidney cancer and the third most common solid tumor in childhood.  


on july 9, 2014, dancers give back wrote a check in the amount of $7,000.00 to micaela's army, which was then  donated to the bereavement care program at children's hospital in ft. worth.  this particular program helps siblings and parents who have lost a child to cancer.   
​on june 9, 2014, dancers give back wrote a check in the amount of $14,000.00 to micaela's army, which  was then donated to dr. theodore laetsch md, university of texas southwestern medical center/children's medical center, dallas.  this clinical trial combines targeted therapy for pediatric and young adult patients with refractory germ cell tumors.  

The Story of 

Micaela White

In December 2010, Micaela White, from Plano, TX, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. On August 17, 2011, this amazing, beautiful girl was taken from us at the age of 18. This tremendous loss led us to Ali Dietz and her mother, Mary Alice Dietz. They had experienced a similar loss of their close friend, Jacquie Hirsch and had started an organization called Dancers Give Back.  The organization is based out of Buffalo, New York and is in it's 14th year of existence.  The success and camaraderie of this organization has brought together a beautiful community with an  overwhelming amount of support.  

To this date, Dancers Give Back BUFFALO has donated more than $700,000 within their community to provide support to cancer patients and their families as well as cancer research being done at Roswell Cancer institute in buffalo, new york, where jacquie hirsch was treated.  After hearing the success and support following their event in Buffalo, we decided to expand the community to dallas, texas. 

Our first event of dancers give back dallas took place in  January 4-5, 2014.  The 2 day weekend  consisted of master classes, Q&A sessions, lectures, a silent auction of donated gifts, as well as a celebration performance. The event was held at Bishop Lynch High School in DALLas, Texas,  open to all dancers ages 12 years to working professionals.  We were fortunate to have raised $27,000 our first season.  YEARS TO FOLLOW dancers give back dallas HAS BEEN able TO DONATE JUST OVER $210,000 during the past six events. this years event is scheduled for december 29-31, 2023.  DANCE INDUSTRY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER will be our home once again this year, home to the white theater named after micaela.  In total, dancers give back has donated over one million dollars to cancer research. 

Our faculty is mostly comprised oF teachers FROM THE TEXAS AREA, as well as talent from LOS ANGELES AND NEW YORK.  Aside from master classes we hold a silent auction that span's from convention and workshop tuitions, sports tickets and apparel,  fitness classes, photography sessions, signed broadway show posters, art,  jewelry to fine wines.  This project is monumental to us and we would love to see the Texas dance community come together. 

100% of the proceeds from this event will go directly to micaela's endowment fund with children's medical with focus on cancer research in pediatric, adolescent and young adult cancers and to help support cancer patients and their families. Let us unite, give back, and "dance" toward a cure.  

Dancers Give Back (DGB) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.